I love to create our annual Christmas card. I look forward to it from about September on. I love the look through my pics to find the perfect ones. To pick out outfits and plan photoshoots. I love it. It's a little piece of our family I mail out to over 100 addresses to say, "Hey! Look at how happy/cute/fun/loving our family is!" I love it!! Here's 2010:
I love that we didn't do a Christmas shoot this year.
This picture was taken on a very very hot August day.
It was a great family time.
Our Christmas letter this year:
We’ve been having fun decorating for Christmas and enjoying Christmas music. In the spirit of the song,
“My Favorite Things,” we’ve included a few of ours.
Christian’s favorite things: trains, Chuck E. Cheese, big boy underwear, running, balls, the beach, chocolate milk, dancing, building with blocks, fire trucks, jumping off of things, horses, the Children’s Museum, listening to stories & Old Country Buffet.
Victoria’s favorite things: art projects, Ms. Joy at pre-school, macaroni & cheese, the mall, Red Lobster, absolutely anything that has to do with Scooby Doo, stuffed animals, Underwater World, writing letters, movie night, being a flower girl, Grandmas and Grandpas, surprises, Girls’ Night Out & stickers.
Kelly’s favorite things: our backyard, supportive friends, Victoria’s questions and handwriting, Christian’s cuddles, smile & giggles, Skinny Girl, second graders, digital scrapbooking, family days (Saturday & Sunday), our godchild Walker, photography, Playa del Carmen, Mexico, Kris our daycare mom, our kids’ amazing grandparents, craigslist & summers off.
Mark’s favorite things: hot summer nights, hugs, my wife, my children, Coors Lite, my new snow blower, the beach/ocean, ribs, mountains of Colorado, Mexico, my boat, the way my kids look at me while I work, Walker, Christmas (music, lights, etc.) & Quad Caulk.
These are a few of our favorite things.
Wishing you time to enjoy your favorite things in 2011.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Mark, Kelly, Victoria & Christian
Only ten days until Christmas. The magic is in the air! We've seen Santa several times. The tree has been decorated (twice). Most gifts are purchased (but not wrapped). We've been enjoying a holiday story or two or three before bed each night. I picked up a new copy of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas at the mall last night. That was a pleasant surprise for them tonight.
I love this time of year. I can feel the memories being made. It is the most wonderful time of the year.