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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Get Your Own ATM

If I need to stop at the ATM I always stop at the drive through ATM at the bank.  Today I forgot to stop and needed a cash tip for the dog groomer.  We swung by Super America and I took both kids into the gas station.  They were both very interested in what I was doing with the card and button pushing.

A 20 popped out and both kids gasped, "Is that REAL money?" Victoria wanted to know.
"Of course it's real," I answered.
"Can I smell it?"
"Here you go."
"We should really get a machine like that for our house."

If only it was that easy.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Happy Birthday Laura

Today is this girl's birthday:

She is one of the most supportive friends I have.
She's there for anyone and everyone who needs anything at anytime.
She's super fun to be around.
She can even make a staff meeting fun;-)
She's a fabulous Mommy who loves her children and would do anything for them.
She's one of those teachers who loves each and every single student.
No matter what.
She's loyal beyond belief.
She's a great dancer, especially if she's had a few.
She's creative in many ways.
She inspires me.

She's one of the best friends I've ever been blessed with in my life.
Happy birthday Laura!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Fictional News

Victoria and Christian rarely watch actual TV.  If they do it's Disney in the morning (only!) or Sprout in the afternoon for a bit.  We hit Mall of America today and then Walmart so by the time we were home we had just a bit of downtime before dinner and ballet.  They were relaxing on our bed watching Sprout while I was making dinner.

I heard Victoria say, "Hey, Mom!  What is this that we're watching??!!"

I walked in and I said, "This is the news," as I grabbed the remote.

"I didn't know the news is fiction," Victoria said.
"What makes you say that?" I asked.
"Because two men found sewing needles in their sandwiches!  That's disgusting and scary so it must be fiction."

One more reason to monitor TV very very closely!

Monday, July 16, 2012

How Do You Spell Dinner?

Auntie Sandy watched the kids for a few hours this afternoon (thank you thank you!!).  Mark picked them up and they were in bed, but not sleeping when I got home.  I knelt down to Christian's bedside and asked him what he did there.  He told me about playing outside and then I asked what he did after that.  He paused and then answered, "P-A-L-T."

*Side note: I spell a lot around here.  Any chance I get I spell so Christian hears letters and sounds and Victoria can figure out just about any word I spell.

After he spells that 'word' I pause and look at his cute hopeful little face and I said, "Dinner?"

He bright blue eyes are wider than I've ever seen them and he says, "Did I really spell dinner?!?!"

"Close Buddy. Dddddinner.  What does it start with?"
"Oh yeah, D.  Off one letter again."

At least he's giving it a try now though.