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Thursday, September 2, 2010
Surprise! It's a Romantic Ride!
Last Friday our kids spent the night at Dad and Deb's house. They requested them from nap until noon the following day. Originally, I was supposed to attend the Boys to Men concert with Molly and a group of girls. Being such a stressful time of year I decided I couldn't spend the whole day and night at the Fair.
So instead I ran errands and took care of things around the house. Mark and I went to look for new phones, which is never fun with or without kids in tow. Mark informed me I should dress up because we had 7:00 reservations at Lake Elmo Inn. It's our favorite restaurant. We've shared many special evenings there. The two most important being the night we got engaged and our first anniversary.
We headed out at 6:15pm, being so excited. We had a drink at the bar and were sat down at 6:50. Mark wanted to order an appetizer. A little odd since they give you so much food already and it's pretty expensive to begin with. I'm not a girl to turn down an yummy app. so we enjoyed A Scooter Pie (beef tenderloin on top of portobella mushrooms). We enjoyed a couple beers and then delicious entrees and even better conversations. It was so much fun. As we (I- my husband knows these are my faves and let's me eat his:) were about to enjoy our chocolate covered strawberries I noticed him checking his watch, which he almost never wears.
He gave me a line about wanting to go to Minnehaha Falls after and the lights shut off at such and such a time. I love Minnehaha Falls even more than Lake Elmo Inn! That's where we got engaged! We had wedding pictures taken there. That's where we spend every Mother's Day. Very special place.
As we were walking out, arm in arm carrying my prime rib and garlic mashed potato left overs, I was telling a story. A limo rounded the corner and Mark said, "That's our ride." I said, "Yeah right." And kept on talking. . .Then the limo pulled over and the driver got out literally as we were walking by and said, "Mr. Humphrey?" I would love to see a picture of my face at the second. A million things were running through my head?
What? Who? What? Who's in there? Where are we going? Do I have the most romantic husband EVER?!
Mark headed over to my car with a hidden cooler (ok I'll admit I did see the cooler when we were leaving but had no idea about the limo) with beer and amazing champagne. I poked my head in the limo expecting. .
Guy & Chris?
Laura & Jeff?
Scott & Michelle?
That baby was empty. I called Deb, my voice shaking. I was on super speed with my voice shaking and it went something like this:
Holy crap! A limo just picked us up outside Lake Elmo Inn! I can't believe it! I think we're going to Minnehaha Falls!
Then Mark came with the drink and a single red rose. Can this get any better???
I was so suprised and happy I couldn't stop kissing him for being so sweet. . .then I texted my girls letting them know what happened!
We enjoyed the best champagne of my life
and even better Mark toasted to a wonderful summer - our best ever - complimenting what a great summer I gave our kids. Then he vowed to do something special every Friday before I go back to work at the end of the summer. YAY!
After a very romantic ride through Minneapolis, we did go to Minnehaha Falls. We've been there at all seasons for many different occasions but never at night!
It's difficult to take a picture of a waterfall many yards away in the pitch black, but there it is.
We had a drink from Sea Salt then walked around a bit.
We headed back to the limo and went to Admiral D's in White Bear Lake. By this time romance was in full effect and we cuddled at a little outdoor table for two and enjoyed some outdoor music. He played one of my favorite songs Brown Eyed Girl. We had a great time.
We ended up extending our rendevouz by an hour. Time flies when you're having the time of your life!
It was a beautiful night! Life can get stressful raising two small children and all the other things life throws at us. This was the perfect, just the two of us getaway. I told Mark, "This is the most fun I've ever had with you in this country!"
I am very lucky to have a thoughtful husband.
Mark, I love how you planned it all on your own. I love that you went out of your way to keep it a surprise. I love how unbelievable romantic it was. I just wish tomorrow was last Friday it was so fun! Thank you for making me feel appreciated and special. I love you very much and oh so appreciated your effort!
Now, it's time to think about Mexico. . . just two months away!
So instead I ran errands and took care of things around the house. Mark and I went to look for new phones, which is never fun with or without kids in tow. Mark informed me I should dress up because we had 7:00 reservations at Lake Elmo Inn. It's our favorite restaurant. We've shared many special evenings there. The two most important being the night we got engaged and our first anniversary.
We headed out at 6:15pm, being so excited. We had a drink at the bar and were sat down at 6:50. Mark wanted to order an appetizer. A little odd since they give you so much food already and it's pretty expensive to begin with. I'm not a girl to turn down an yummy app. so we enjoyed A Scooter Pie (beef tenderloin on top of portobella mushrooms). We enjoyed a couple beers and then delicious entrees and even better conversations. It was so much fun. As we (I- my husband knows these are my faves and let's me eat his:) were about to enjoy our chocolate covered strawberries I noticed him checking his watch, which he almost never wears.
He gave me a line about wanting to go to Minnehaha Falls after and the lights shut off at such and such a time. I love Minnehaha Falls even more than Lake Elmo Inn! That's where we got engaged! We had wedding pictures taken there. That's where we spend every Mother's Day. Very special place.
As we were walking out, arm in arm carrying my prime rib and garlic mashed potato left overs, I was telling a story. A limo rounded the corner and Mark said, "That's our ride." I said, "Yeah right." And kept on talking. . .Then the limo pulled over and the driver got out literally as we were walking by and said, "Mr. Humphrey?" I would love to see a picture of my face at the second. A million things were running through my head?
What? Who? What? Who's in there? Where are we going? Do I have the most romantic husband EVER?!
Mark headed over to my car with a hidden cooler (ok I'll admit I did see the cooler when we were leaving but had no idea about the limo) with beer and amazing champagne. I poked my head in the limo expecting. .
Guy & Chris?
Laura & Jeff?
Scott & Michelle?
That baby was empty. I called Deb, my voice shaking. I was on super speed with my voice shaking and it went something like this:
Holy crap! A limo just picked us up outside Lake Elmo Inn! I can't believe it! I think we're going to Minnehaha Falls!
Then Mark came with the drink and a single red rose. Can this get any better???
I was so suprised and happy I couldn't stop kissing him for being so sweet. . .then I texted my girls letting them know what happened!
We enjoyed the best champagne of my life
and even better Mark toasted to a wonderful summer - our best ever - complimenting what a great summer I gave our kids. Then he vowed to do something special every Friday before I go back to work at the end of the summer. YAY!
After a very romantic ride through Minneapolis, we did go to Minnehaha Falls. We've been there at all seasons for many different occasions but never at night!
It's difficult to take a picture of a waterfall many yards away in the pitch black, but there it is.
We had a drink from Sea Salt then walked around a bit.
We headed back to the limo and went to Admiral D's in White Bear Lake. By this time romance was in full effect and we cuddled at a little outdoor table for two and enjoyed some outdoor music. He played one of my favorite songs Brown Eyed Girl. We had a great time.
We ended up extending our rendevouz by an hour. Time flies when you're having the time of your life!
It was a beautiful night! Life can get stressful raising two small children and all the other things life throws at us. This was the perfect, just the two of us getaway. I told Mark, "This is the most fun I've ever had with you in this country!"
I am very lucky to have a thoughtful husband.
Mark, I love how you planned it all on your own. I love that you went out of your way to keep it a surprise. I love how unbelievable romantic it was. I just wish tomorrow was last Friday it was so fun! Thank you for making me feel appreciated and special. I love you very much and oh so appreciated your effort!
Now, it's time to think about Mexico. . . just two months away!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
A Note to All Parents Out There
Do not text at your kid's Meet the Teacher the whole time the teacher is talking.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Mel Dat?!
About five days after Christian's surgery we were walking home from the park. I could smell a bonfire and I could hear a lawn mower. However, we couldn't see either. Christian said, "Mel dat?" (translation: Smell that?) He asked if that's what mowing the lawn smells like. I couldn't believe it. Could he really never smell before? The very next day we went to Grandma's Bakery after the Farmer's Market. We've been there many times before. We walked in and two feet in the door and he stopped dead in his tracks. "MEL DAT?!? MEL GOOOOD!!" He could never smell fresh donuts and cookies! I was then convinced he's never been able to smell. Several other times over the last week he's asked what certain smells were.
We had his Post - Op appt this morning. The first thing she asked (after we waited for her for an hour - she already performed a surgery by 8:30am!!) was if he's smelling now. I asked how she knew he just started smelling and she said with blockage like that there's no way he's been able to smell. She continued to inform me he also couldn't taste much, so expect him to become a much pickier eater in the next few weeks.
I am floored to think he hasn't been able to smell in his first 2.5 years of his life. However, I'm so happy were blessed that it only took 2.5 years to figure this out and get it fixed. She said we'll continue to see improvements in his breathing and sleeping over the next few weeks. He recovered perfectly.
Then she asked if the kids are twins. Everyday somebody asks! At least once a day. It's the craziest thing. When I tell them they're almost two years apart they look at me like I'm crazy and then V starts explaining that she's four - with her little fingers up - and Bobo's only two and a half. . .
I'm looking forward to Christian smelling all the wonderful smells of fall.
One last time - Good-bye summer.
We had his Post - Op appt this morning. The first thing she asked (after we waited for her for an hour - she already performed a surgery by 8:30am!!) was if he's smelling now. I asked how she knew he just started smelling and she said with blockage like that there's no way he's been able to smell. She continued to inform me he also couldn't taste much, so expect him to become a much pickier eater in the next few weeks.
I am floored to think he hasn't been able to smell in his first 2.5 years of his life. However, I'm so happy were blessed that it only took 2.5 years to figure this out and get it fixed. She said we'll continue to see improvements in his breathing and sleeping over the next few weeks. He recovered perfectly.
Then she asked if the kids are twins. Everyday somebody asks! At least once a day. It's the craziest thing. When I tell them they're almost two years apart they look at me like I'm crazy and then V starts explaining that she's four - with her little fingers up - and Bobo's only two and a half. . .
I'm looking forward to Christian smelling all the wonderful smells of fall.
One last time - Good-bye summer.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Best of Both Worlds
I've been dreading writing the back to work blog like this one from 2008 or this one from 2009. This really really was the best summer of my life. We did so many fun things. As a mom I enjoyed my kids more this summer than any other time. We could pack up and be at the beach all in 15 minutes. They are both old enough to give their opinions, walk without strollers, head out without a diaper bag. As long as we had water bottles we were good to go. Nap schedules were more flexible than ever. It was truly truly an amazing summer that I have about 2,000 pictures to squeeze into a digital summer album so we'll always remember our trips to the beach, making water balloons, enjoying the sea creatures at Underwater World, all the exciting things at the Children's Museum, the fun walks around the zoo, the spontaneous lunches with Papa. . .the list could go on and on.
But my favorite part of the summer was our mornings together. That time from 6:30-10:00. That's the time we cuddled in 'the big bed,' we all learned to love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, we usually had two breakfasts in that time, we baked in the morning - nothing like seeing a two and four year old cracking eggs, pouring oil, stirring batter and licking spoons all by 8:10am! We made a lot of art in the morning. From a spattering of liquid glue and many many sequins to noodle necklaces, they are so creative.
I so loved my summer with them. Spending virtually waking minute with them.
But today I headed back to work. Got my classroom organized and met with my student teacher. Then it hit me - I've got the best of both worlds. I love my kids so much and I love to spend time with them more than anything. I love my job so much I usually don't even think of it as a job. I get a week off for Christmas, a week of in the spring and all summer off. I only have to drive four miles to school. Our kids love their new daycare and can't wait to go back tomorrow.
Sure, I shed a few tears this morning. But I was the only one who did. That means I've got the best of both worlds because our kids are happy and healthy and will adjust well to this change. Soon Victoria will be in preschool four afternoons a week and we'll all be back into the routine. It's fun to be out of the routine but it's good for all of us to be back in it.
If we didn't have the routine most months of the year our summer wouldn't have been as amazing as it was.
That is the best of both worlds for sure.
But my favorite part of the summer was our mornings together. That time from 6:30-10:00. That's the time we cuddled in 'the big bed,' we all learned to love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, we usually had two breakfasts in that time, we baked in the morning - nothing like seeing a two and four year old cracking eggs, pouring oil, stirring batter and licking spoons all by 8:10am! We made a lot of art in the morning. From a spattering of liquid glue and many many sequins to noodle necklaces, they are so creative.
I so loved my summer with them. Spending virtually waking minute with them.
But today I headed back to work. Got my classroom organized and met with my student teacher. Then it hit me - I've got the best of both worlds. I love my kids so much and I love to spend time with them more than anything. I love my job so much I usually don't even think of it as a job. I get a week off for Christmas, a week of in the spring and all summer off. I only have to drive four miles to school. Our kids love their new daycare and can't wait to go back tomorrow.
Sure, I shed a few tears this morning. But I was the only one who did. That means I've got the best of both worlds because our kids are happy and healthy and will adjust well to this change. Soon Victoria will be in preschool four afternoons a week and we'll all be back into the routine. It's fun to be out of the routine but it's good for all of us to be back in it.
If we didn't have the routine most months of the year our summer wouldn't have been as amazing as it was.
That is the best of both worlds for sure.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Last week I took Victoria for her first ever Back to School Haircut. She went to the salon I go to for the first time. She had her hair washed at a salon for the first time. She wasn't too sure about sticking her head in the 'hole,' but she sure felt special when she was done! Lucky for me, two past students were also in getting their back to school haircuts and they played with Christian while I took pics of V!
Nature Center - 8/16/10
A Family Trip to the Zoo
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Do you see that 155 year old bonsai tree behind Victoria? Seconds after this photo she turned to look at it and plucked a petal off of it! The Humphreys were out of the Bonsai Room in record time! |
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Here's Christian's favortie thing to do at the zoo! Ride the train! |
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That's the look of pure joy! |
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I love this picture from Christian's point of view. I love his little hospital tag that was still on his wrist days after his release. |
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Always a Mommy
Phasing Out the Nap
Victoria will begin afternoon preschool four days a week next week. Therefore, bye bye naps.
So we've been doing naps every other day.
We had a no nap day last week. While Bobo (Victoria's nickname for Christian) was napping Victoria and I decided to have a 'real' tea party. We got out the gorgeous tea set Therese gave V for her bday. Since we had to use the self timer the quality of the pics aren't great, but I still love these shots.
So we've been doing naps every other day.
We had a no nap day last week. While Bobo (Victoria's nickname for Christian) was napping Victoria and I decided to have a 'real' tea party. We got out the gorgeous tea set Therese gave V for her bday. Since we had to use the self timer the quality of the pics aren't great, but I still love these shots.
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Victoria said, "This tea is bland. Is it really water and we're pretending?" We also enjoyed REAL Fruit Loops on our saucers. She didn't like the idea of cups on the saucers. |
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We did have some guests. Going to miss this time of day when I go back to work! |
Saints Game
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