Dear Victoria Mae,
Six years ago I remember standing in front of an empty crib with tears in my eyes thinking about placing my baby girl in it. You were still in my belly.
We had books ready to read to you.
Did you ever know your room was once this clean?
Daddy spent every Saturday, for months, doing something in preparation to get ready for you.
So many friends were excited for your arrival!
This was at our house at my baby shower with Tess.
Could you even recognize her?
Those are your friends Jack and Jenna.
I bet you really couldn't recognize them!
Our families were so excited!
Here's Aunt Molly and Auntie Sandy at another shower for you.
They were both so excited to meet you they were looking at pictures
Aunt Molly took of you while you were still in my belly.
Even though I had a very easy pregnancy and loved having you in my belly,
by the time April 14h rolled around I was ready to meet you.
That's the chair I lounged/napped in most weekends for the
last month or so.
Finally, finally, finally I met my sweet Baby Girl.
I often tell you about that warm beautiful spring day.
As soon I finish you cuddle in even closer and ask me to tell
you again.
I dreamt of being a mommy for so long and finally you
turned me into one.
But next thing I knew....
you were almost two!
Being a mommy gets better and better every year!
You turned into a Big Sister that year.
You loved pigs and Elmo and started loving turtles.
And you started to wear big girl undies.
That year flew by
and suddenly you were
That was the first year we had the farm party with animals in the backyard.
You absolutely loved it.
You enjoy being around people, as much as I do.
You are very social and love to talk and get to know people.
So a huge party when you were only three suited you just fine.
Then I blinked and you were four.
We had a repeat birthday party that year since you talked about the previous one for the whole year.
Here's you and your BFF Jenna.
That year you were in Abbey's wedding and you were completely adorable
and perfectly behaved and received more compliments than I could ever remember.
I am so proud to be your mommy.
Your cute little nose makes me smile.
You seem to actually enjoy getting your picture taken.
I wonder why....
I guess time really does fly when you're having fun because before I knew it
you turned five!
Now that was some party!
Everyone you know came and there were animals and a beautiful cake
and your mommy stood back wondering what happened to her baby.
I am at awe of you every single day.
This is the year you really began forming opinions and sharing them,
good or bad.
You have very nice manners and you're quite smart and very verbal.
I couldn't count the times when we're out and about and a stranger speaks to you and is shocked at how well you can verbalize your thoughts.
Even the nurses at the doctor's office always comment on it.
This is the year you really learned how to read.
You could read some words when you were four, but once you turned five it was amazing.
You truly love to learn. You ask questions all the time about everything.
You can do quite a bit of math in your head.
I haven't been able to spell a word to daddy that I didn't want you to know in almost a year because you can figure them all out.
Even when I spell it backwards you and daddy figure it out at about the same time.
Your brother doesn't have the patience to learn like you do.
That's why we often 'sneak' off to my bed and cuddle and read while the boys watch the Discovery Channel. You read to me now, almost as much as I read to you.
It melts my heart listening to your little voice read bigger and bigger words.
You were really reading If You Give a Pig a Party to Christian.
After this picture I went to take the book away and you grabbed it and said, "But, we're not done!"
Every year I think you two have such an amazing bond and think how blessed we are that you get along so well. Every year I wonder if it will be the last year he'll casually put his arm around your shoulder just because he wants to. You two are just so cute together!
You are the big sister who looks out for him and teaches him.
He looks up to you and looks to you to keep him safe and entertained.
Every year I don't think you can get any cuter.
But you did it again!
You look gorgeous now that you're six!
More proof, you don't mind having your picture taken!
A sweet look
A giggly look
I love your perfect little baby teeth and have a
strong suspicion this will be the last birthday with all of them.
Even though you're a big kindergartner, who can read and speaks her mind
you still love Baby.
She just turned 5.
When you are feeling really sad or hurt or scared Baby always makes you feel better.
Even though I dreamt of being a mommy and having an adorable daughter I could go shopping with, get manis. with, read with, play with and talk to;
I never, in my wildest dreams, ever dreamt I could have a daughter as perfect as you.
Happy 6th Birthday My Sweet Sweet Angel