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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Whew, He's Cute

                                         One day this little boy is going to be a heart breaker! 
                                                                     Man, is he cute!

That's My Boy

Absolutely adorable??
Just riding his bike around the deck wearing his plastic cowboy hat.
Yes, he's two and a half.
I love how his personality is really showing in the last couple months.

Back to Preschool

Victoria headed back to preschool today.  She literally couldn't have been any more excited!  She slept the latest of her entire life - 7:35am!  Christian and I were ready to walk out the door when my darling daughter came running down the hall in her over sized Scooby Doo nightshirt yelling, "Look how big I got after sleeping so long!"  Luckily she had picked out her back to school dress last night.  She slipped that baby on and slid on her sparkly tennis shoes and we were out the door with backpack in hand.  I dropped the kids off at daycare and Victoria was jumping up and down telling Kris that she gets to ride the bus to Ms. Joy's class today! 

I went back to Kris' house on my lunch break today to find Christian happily playing hockey.

How cute is that? 

Then Victoria wanted to show of her backpack from Aunt Molly.

The bus came just a couple minutes late.  All the kids were so excited to watch Victoria head out.  She gave her little Bobo a kiss and told him to nap while she was gone.  (Big sisters!)

There she is on the bus with her BFF - Jenna - right behind her.  Jenna and Victoria's daycares are just houses apart on the same block.  So I dropped Laura off at Jenna's daycare and headed down the street to V & C's daycare.  Then Laura actually rode the preschool bus down the street to us!  It was pretty cute.  Good thing these preschool teachers are patient with us crazy mommys! 

Then we followed the bus to the preschool and were there when they got off too. 

We followed them inside to see the question of the day:
Have you ever ridden a horse?
Both Jenna and Victoria marked yes - clearly since Hershey visits V's bday every year.

Here's the first shot of the year with Ms. Joy

How cute are those two?  I'm so excited for Victoria to have another great year learning academically and socially.  There's already a field trip to the apple orchard planned.  It's going to be a great year!

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Perfect Quote

I love quotes.  Especially when I find the perfect one for the occasion.  Is this one perfect for the last day of summer or what?

I spotted it leaving the Fair on Friday.  Too perfect!

Rosie Posie is Three!

Today is one of our favorite lil' friend's birthdays!  Our little Rosie Posie is three today!  Since we wouldn't be seeing Rosie (or her mommy) on her actual bday today we came up with a plan.  Late last night (late to a 2 & 4 yr old anyway) we staked out Rosie's house.  When the coast was clear all the Humphreys jumped out of the car and put balloons in her yard!  We were runnin' and duckin' and tip toein'.  It was so much fun.  We didn't care we saw Rosie's daddy spot us from the kitchen window. By the time the mission was accomplished
the neighbors who were out having a bon fire were actually out of their chairs watching, laughing and waving.  The kids loved it, even if it lasted all of about 2 minnutes.  Since it was so fast we stopped by the park up the street.

If it wasn't for the mosquitoes, it would have been perfect.  We stopped by a local gas station and grabbed a few treats to make the ride home go by faster.

What fun to instill in our kids the fun of making other people feel happy!

Happy birthday Rosemary!  We've loved spending time with you this summer!  I know everybody says this but - I can't believe you're three already!!!

I Wake!

Christian just woke up from his nap and walked into the living room with a huge smile and said, "It's me!  I wake!"  Then he cuddled with me for about 1.5 minutes and now he's off to ride his trike around the deck.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Gourmet Dinner

Yesterday Mark went to the grocery store.  He came home with an interesting array of food.  He made dinner while I was getting the kids ready for bed.  Just after they were both settled in I came out to find a lovely dinner of filet mignon, three pounds of delicious snow crab legs and homemade au gratin potatoes.  It was so yummy!  Thanks honey, it may possbily have been the best dinner you've ever cooked me!  I hope you're not looking for the leftover potatoes;-)

An Unexpected Trip to a Park

After go carting last week we went by the house that I spent part of my childhood in.  A few blocks away we found a park.  I love the feeling when we just happen to find a cute little park and we just pull over and enjoy it.  The kids loved it!
Parks are his some of his favorite places!

I love this picture.  Mark had just taught her how to go down the pole. 
Then she figured out she's strong enough to hang on!

You Can't Catch Us Go Carting

In order to suck the summer out of the last week of August we went go carting. The kids loved it! Victoria was adament about riding with me. She figured we're the smallest of the family so we'd be a sure win. The worker even told us what car was the fastest. We even had a head start. I had it floored. We were cruising. So cruising that we couldn't even see Daddy & Bobo. After three laps I slowed down and looked behind us, worried that something was wrong and then I heard loud screaming in the other ear - They passed us! We never did catch them again! Mark and I did the batting cages and the kids played some games. It was a lot of fun. I think it'll be a Hot Spot for Summer of 2011.
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Back to Preschool

Last week we took Victoria to Meet the Teacher at preschool. She will be attending the same preschool as last year. As soon as she saw Ms. Joy she ran through all of the adult legs and gave her a big hug. Then she immediately began telling her the story of Christian taking off in the golf cart while we were camping. Funny how she knew that was an interesting story to tell every adult that would listen. I can't wait to see all the great things she going to learn this year at preschool. And her best friend is in her class this year too! They will ride the little bus together. Where did my baby girl go?
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A Pinic Lunch

Last week we had a picnic lunch at the park near our house with our friends Shauna, Jack and Maya. It's about a ten minute walk to the park. We loaded our wagon with our picnic basket and headed to the park. We were there for a while before our friends came. After lunch Victoria said she had to go potty. I didn't want to walk all the way home. No port a potty. So I took her behind a big elm tree. I explained what we were going to do. She listened and then said, "I can poop right here?!" "NO you can't poop here!" I exclaimed. "You said potty!" "I was trying to be polite," she explained. Needless to say, we borrowed Shauna's van and headed home for a bathroom break. Never a dull moment!
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Phasing Out Nap or Maybe Not

Starting Wednesday, Victoria won't be able to nap Mon. - Thurs.  We've been phasing them out for the last month.  She's been napping every other day.  She does fine without a nap.  Usually she's thrilled to do something special while Bobo is sleeping.  This day though, I thought she was listening to books on CD.  Instead she put on pj's, grabbed some stuffies and headed to my bed.

                     I thought taking pictures might help wake her, but she was out for over two hours.
                                                   Nothing sweeter than a sleeping child.

During the last full week of summer, we headed over to Dairy Queen after dinner. We took our Blizzards down to White Bear Lake to enjoy them. Then we went on a walk around the lake. Victoria says, "It was a really really really really long walk." But we loved it!
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Hanging Out with Daddy

People are always saying how much they look alike.  Do you think so?

Papa is Full of Surprises!

Last weekend my dad and Deb took the kids over night.  Leave it to my dad to build a deck around a kiddie pool, add a 'roof' of tule to keep the leaves out, add a slide, build a sandbox and get a bunch of sand toys.  Needless to say, Christian hung out at the sand box for about 24 hours.  As if that's not cool enough he found a 3 ft Scooby Doo he had waiting at the door for Victoria.  Then after they brought them home he had one more surprise: A vintage Scooby Doo lunch box (gotta love craigslist!).  As you can see it was love at first sight!
Thanks Papa & Mama!

Grandma Barb

We brought Therese's mom out to lunch at Chili's a couple weeks ago.  I didn't think to take a picture.  However, Christian got antsy waiting for his corndog and he snapped some pics.  Not a bad lil' photographer!  Victoria asked Barb, "Are you as old as my great grandma?"  Barb thought that was pretty amusing!  She answered, "I think I'm older than your great grandma."  "Whoa!" is all V could say:-)

Batch of Brownies

One of our favorite things to do in the morning is bake together.  We've managed to create some of the best batches of brownies in history this summer.  From cracking the eggs to pouring the oil to stirring to licking (literally) the bowl we have a blast.  Sometimes Christian sits on the kitchen floor and actually watches them bake.  Then does a little dance when the timer goes off!  Sometimes we need baths after, but it's all worth it!

Just for Fun

How funny is that?  Christian was actually walking along or
Victoria wouldn't be able to carry him. 
He's in his swimsuit and she's in her pj's after the beach before nap.

My Helper

This is so Christian right now!  He's my little helper.  Always by my side seeing what he can do to help.  He helps emptying the little trash baskets from the bathroom, he vacuums, sweeps, helps wash the kitchen floor & picks up toys.  He's my big boy helper!
If only I could find rubber gloves that fit him, he'd really love cleaning!

Playing outside

Enjoying the beautiful weather.