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Monday, June 17, 2013

Father's Day Part II

Father's Day Interview by the Humphrey Children

What is something daddy always says to you? V: I love you little munchkin.  C: Please
What makes daddy happy? V: When we pick up our toys in the yard. C: When we say thank you
What makes daddy sad? V: When we don't listen   C: When I stick my tongue out at him.
How does daddy make you laugh? V: When he's funny. C:  When I mane funny faces at him.
How old is daddy? V: 35  C: 35
What is daddy's favorite thing to do? V: Spend time with his family. C: Play catch with me with the real baseball and our gloves.
What does daddy do when you're not around? V: I don't know because I'm not here.  C: I don't know because I'm not around.
How tall is daddy? V: Really tall  C: 34 inches
If daddy becomes famous what will it be for? V: Being the best daddy in the world.  C: Singing just like Jordan Knight.  (Yes, that is his actual response.)
What is daddy really good at? V: Fishing  C: Playing catch and flying our planes.
What is daddy not very good at? V: Nothing C: Changing Brecken's diaper.
What does daddy do for his job? V: Construction worker  C: Build houses
What's daddy's favorite food? V: Meat  C: Broccoli
What do you and daddy do together? V: Have fun  C: Play catch
How are you and daddy the same? V: ?  C: Our hair is the same.
How are you and daddy different? V: He has whiskers and I don't   C: I'm littler and he's bigger.
Where is daddy's favorite place to go? V: Menards  C:n Pizza Ranch
How do you know daddy loves you? V:Because he tells me that   C: Because he's my daddy.

Daddy's Father's Day Interview

The best part of being a dad is watching my children's accomplishments.

I'm glad no one Instragrammed that!  When I pelted Christian in the face with a snowball.

How I hope they take after me --- work ethic

The trait I hope they don't get from me --- short fuse

The most important lesson I will teach my children is take responsibility for your actions.

What I learned about myself when I became a dad - patience is a virtue I don't have enough of.

I'm better at fixing things than mom.

Mom is better at parenting than me.

When they're older they will probably be embarrassed by my constant joking around.

I look forward to when Brecken is old enough to play catch.

I look forward to when Christian is old enough to have a child.

I look forward to when Victorai is old enough to graduate college.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Lashes

A sleeping baby is one of the most precious things in the world.

I love the chubby cheeks, the button nose, the tiny fingers and toes.

But good grief, those lashes...........

My Graduates

My first class of students graduated this year.  That means, if you were a second grader a decade ago, you should be graduating this June.

Maybe you've heard a teacher say, "I don't have favorites."  Let me tell you, it's not like having children.  Because you actually DO have favorites.  I have 2-3 favorites each year.  I have three from my very first year.  I was invited to two of their graduation parties this year.

Even though my life has changed in so many ways since I was their second grade teacher, I will remember them forever because I sunk my heart and soul into that class.  

I didn't have children or a husband.  I was theirs and all theirs.  
It still shows when I see kids from that class.  It was a really special year.  

This is Jake.  His mom and I have become friends over the years.  She's actually subbed for me over the years.  Jake came up to me my VERY FIRST day and handed me a gourd covered in puff paint and said, "My mom thought I should give this to you because you were going to be so nervous today."

I will never forget it.  I was very very nervous.  And somehow that gourd and Jake made me feel a little bit more at ease.  I ended up home schooling his little sister for a couple months and had his younger sister in second grade several years later.  I consider his family genuine friends of our family. 

Now Jake is headed out of state for college and had to slouch for this photo. 

This little lady was the cutest little second grader ever.
Her mom worked at our school, so I was friends with her and couldn't stop gushing about her daughter.
I loved her!
In fact, our 'adult only' wedding included a flower girl and her brother 
and Molly.

She was quiet but friendly.
She respectful and hard working.
We had a connection and I still love that little girl.
Even though she doesn't look or sound the same -
I still feel that love for her.

Even though it's bittersweet to think those little eight year olds have turned into eighteen year olds
I am happy for them and only wish them the very very best in their future.

I hope they continue to 
read every night and be kind to their friends 
and extra kind to those they don't know.


My hope and dream is these two love each other as much as they do today...
and then some.

The can sit side by side.

In front & behind.

Next to one another.

Or just sleeping.

If you pick a flower I won't tell...
at least until I can talk.

Brotherly love it the best!

Baby Toes

Luckily, Brecken sleeps through 99.98% of our excursions. 
 Now that it's actually summer this is how he rolls.

What is cuter than baby toes?

Because It's Fun

That is my friend Molly's husband, Brian,  mowing our lawn with Christian 'because it's fun.'

That's why he's the perfect Godfather for Brecken.
Among many other reasons....

A Little Friend

This is Christian's friend from daycare.  They pretend to get married.  
I think it's so darn cute he likes her.
I took this picture at his buddy's birthday party.
He doesn't know it exists.

I don't want him to be jealous of his little brother:-)

Let Me Flip That Table

I read many blogs by moms with many children.

A few weeks back I read this blog where this mom who works from home didn't go to her child's field trip because she 'didn't want to.'  I guarantee my mouth dropped open when I read those words.

Are you joking me?!  You could, but you didn't?! 
It was genuinely shocking to me.
As a working mom you miss out on things here and there and the guilt eats you up.

To think you could and you didn't was so selfish to me. 
I am the crazy lady who brought my infant to the farm even though I didn't want to because I thought I 'should' since I was home.

Anyway,  a couple weeks later Odelis invited me to go with her to a book signing of Teresa Guidice from Real Housewives of New Jersey.

First off, I like the Real Housewives.
I'd accept if Andy Cohen asked me to become one.
Boy oh boy, would his ratings sky rocket;-)

I really do love meeting celebrities.
(Hello- Sheena Easton, Randy Jackson, Kendra Wilkenson, Jordan Knight, Jonathan Knight, Joe McIntrye, Danny Wood and Donnie Wahlberg.)

The one and only issue was that this meeting was during Victoria's last t-ball game.
I decided I'd go to the game and leave early.

Instead at the last minute Mark told me just to go to MOA and skip the game.
With hesitation....

I did.

Let me tell you....  she didn't all.
What a relief.  

Instead I sat on the hard MOA tile and waited #40 in line for 20 minutes (oh yes, she's quite popular;-)
to get this shot:

That's Odelis and me "flipping the table" with Theresa.

In case you're not familiar with this classic scene of reality TV history 

In the end I bought a copy of her grilling cookbook, got it signed and got a fabulous picture with the Queen of Reality TV.

For the guilt record....glad I did!

Growing & Changing

Just because you're so darn cute.

This picture was several weeks back.
You're changing and growing so fast I can't keep up.
Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't turn the clock back...
but time is surely flying by!

Christian's Official T-Ball Picture

Christian's official t-ball picture of 2013

Ollie the Otter

I signed both kids up at Toys R Us for their birthdays.  This means they get a $3 coupon during their birthday month.  It expires two months later.  Victoria's was a few days away from expiring and I told her we'd go after I picked her up from her Extended Day SA class so Christian wasn't with.  Just her, me, and a sleeping Brecky.  I wanted to give her time to explore and shop and take her time.  I've shopped with her many many many times before.  Yet, I had no idea what I was in for.

My good God.  This kid looked at EVERYTHING.  I'm not kidding.  We only got through three aisle when I had to start giving her the count down.

We have 15 minutes until we have to check out.

Here she's looking at plastic animal statues.

10 minute warning.

STILL looking at plastic animal statues.

Five minute warning....

She got to the end of the same aisle and found small glass animals.

This is what I want....she announced.
Thank dear God I thought.  "Ok, honey let's go."
"But I just can't decided which one."

For the love of...........

She actually ran out of time and I walked away and peeked at her from two aisles down.  She was still talking to herself.  She had it narrowed down between two.  I finally went back and asked her what the hold up was.  She explained and asked what she should do.  I said, "Oh my goodness.  Clearly the otter!"  She said, "That's what I thought."  We left with the smallest glass Ottie the Otter you'll ever see.

And I left with the happiest 7 year old you'd ever seen!

More Fun

When you have a baby everyone always says, "Enjoy every minute.  They grow up fast!"
I've said it myself.  But...what the hell does that mean?  Don't sleep and watch them because they are actually growing (did it)?  Take millions of pictures because they'll never be this small again?  That's my life.  Wish over and over this moment would never end (constantly do it)?

I'm not sure how you can REALLY appreciate it.  Hopefully, I will feel I DID do it in the future.

When Victoria was a baby I brought her to school at lunch time to show her off to my friends and she slept like a little angel and I walked her out of there feeling like the proudest new mommy ever and the gym teacher stopped me and said, "Don't worry it will get a lot more fun."

I walked out of there (background info. we're are actually friends) being so offended thinking these are the best days of my LIFE!  How could you not think I'm having fun??

Then she got older and I understood.

It's actually FUN when they interact.

Not that I'm wishing away Brecken's Babyhood....but I just know now that real FUN is just around the corner.

He's not just smiling...he's laughing.

He's sitting in his Bumbo watching me complete tasks while I sing to him.
(Don't worry he's safe on the counter.)

See..his loves it...and me...and his fist...

My boy is watching everything I do and becoming more fun each and every day.

Lil' Bro

This is what you do when you're the third child and it's only 57 degrees out and your siblings are playing t-ball.  You sit wrapped next to your mommy and pray your daddy comes soon so you can go home.

First Nap In Crib

This is the craziest picture I have of Brecken sleeping.  Please don't turn us in to Social Services with the loose blanket and random stuffed animals and only one sock one.  I SWEAR those things aren't usually there.  I didn't expect him to actually fall asleep.  This was his first nap in his crib.  

He's still awfully adorable!

Will You Ever Lose a Tooth?

Victoria has completed first grade and has yet to lose a tooth. 
She didn't get a tooth until she was 11 months so it's natural that her teeth would fall out late.  
I'm totally fine with that fact.
Thrilled, actually.
The are the most perfect little baby teeth I've ever seen.
Plus, they keep her 'little' for just a tad longer.

However, since I'm in the First Grade business and see kids lose teeth just about every single day and see their excitement, I know this is a very important part of the journey.
By the end of the year I felt bad for her.
Out of her class and mine there were only 3 kids who were yet to lose a single tooth.

Suddenly, she showed me a permanent tooth growing in behind the baby teeth.

The next day I made an appointment.
Obviously this is good.
I figured she'd need a tooth pulled.
I prepped her.
She was ready and willing.
This is her right before they called her name.

The last time ever she'd have all her baby teeth.

Sure enough it had to be pulled.
But he wanted to to the side one too.  

NEXT time.

The poor kid was shocked.
She expected to go straight to school to show off her lost tooth. 
Instead we walked out with an appointment card to show her friends.
June 20th, 3:00.

At least she could show her Summer Academy friends.

Nope, it's an Extended Day field trip.
Appointment move to June 27th.
The top two teeth are actually wiggly too.

This gives that glorious tooth fairy a couple weeks to come up with a glorious plan to celebrate this momentous occasion!

Father's Day Part Uno

Official Father's Day post to come tomorrow.... finishing touching still happening.

You....fix things I never could.  You.....throw a ball longer than I'd ever dream of.  You....make elaborate dinners I would never waste my time (not that I don't appreciate it!).  You...give movie nights.  You...know how to grill. whatever task I just don't wanna....doesn't matter what it is...if I don't wanna you do it.  You...are a good cuddler.  You...go for walks.  You...know when I need a break.  You...understand my friends are important.  You...give good kisses.  You...teach them good lessons. too rough. them stuff (I never would).  You...pretend.  You...You...teach them good work ethic. hard every day.  You...keep this family running.  You...are the best.

Happy Father's Day to the man who balances me out to make our family absolutely perfect.

Love you to pieces.

The Father's Day blog I wanted to go today is still in the works.  Victoria decided she wanted to type her own answers:-)

Brecken's adorable little messed up hand prints are at the bottom.
3 month old+paint on hands= HUGE ASS MESS

Daddy opening his super special gifts and all eyes are on him to see how much he loves them!

Yes, the man is grilling at 8:50am.
It's Father's Day and it makes him happy.