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Friday, June 28, 2013

The Sleep Whisperer

I've always been really into kids' and babies' sleeping habits. It's an amazing thing.  Habits are so addicting!  That first year can make or break the person's sleeping habits.  I read and listened to our pediatrician for advice.  When V was over six months old we finally let her cry it out.  4+ hours of the most torturous hours of my life.

With Christian I only waited until he was 5 months and he only cried for 40 min and then was the most champion sleeper I had ever seen or heard of.  Amazing.  You'd put him in his crib at 6:30, awake and get him out at 6:30 am and he was the happiest baby never making a peek through the entire TWELVE hours!

When Brecken was a few weeks old I happened to stumble upon an old blog post of a blog I like and trust (she was a teacher) about how she sleep trained at 3 months old!!! I thought they had to be able to sleep through the night without eating to be able to do it.

So I began soon after Brecken turned three months.  He had already had some pretty good habits.  I could put him down right after feeding at night and he'd put himself to sleep.  I'm sure it helped that I went to pump and he was just put down and I wasn't there for 20 min. even if I wanted to be.

In the last week we've gone from him crying for 15-25 minutes each night after his critical bedtime routine at the same time each night for several nights.  Tonight he cried for 3 min.

That's it.

Then he laid there and put himself to sleep.

Just call me the Baby Sleep Whisperer.......

Or the lady who has three kids and sleep is important.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Give Me a Bath

Giving my baby a bath is my favorite time of the day.  He started out taking baths in our kitchen sink.  This always seemed weird to me, until I finally tried it.  
GENIUS!  I'd bathe all the kids in there if I could.

Look what a little adorable bundle he was! 
We was a few weeks old here.

A couple weeks later he could look up and smile.
I was singing along to Nick Lachey's lullabies here.
(Note the clutter in the corner. Gone baby gone.  It's my summer resolution to be counter clutter clean.)

Look at those Baby Eyes looking up at me.
So precious!

Snuggled in his little towel.

 Still looking at me.
I LOVE that little boy!

I think I'll stick him in the sink tomorrow just to see how huge he is!

Note to Self

Note to self:

Next time your husband sits and makes you garage sale signs while you watch....don't comment on his penmanship.

Summer Blow Out

"He hasn't pooped since Friday,"  I've been heard saying every single day lately to just about anyone who has held Brecken.  I follow it up with, "It's going to be a blow out when he does....."

Well, he did have. A.  Blow.  Out.

At Victoria Summer Academy Open House tonight.  

At least we got there early and headed out to the 'world's most gigantic playground in the whole wide world' before we left.  I was sitting on a little ledge feeding him a bottle.  I felt something sticky on my fingers on my left hand.  Sure as shit (pun totally intended!) it was the most thick and sticky poop EVER!!  It had been leaking out onto my skirt.  I called Mark over and we extremely calmly (I might add) went into emergency mode.  Of course, I didn't bring the diaper bag in.  It was the three blocks back to the car (see previous SA post to read the looooong version of the SA parking lots).  I used the half page of card stock that had all the room numbers on it.  And thank the good Lord I eat at Buffalo Wild Wings a lot because I had a good stash of wet wipes in my purse.  Not enough to actually get it all out from underneath my fingers nails.  But 'good enough if you have three kids' good enough.  Yes, that's very disgusting, but true.  Christian spotted what we going on as he ran by and screamed, "Victoria, we gotta go!!  Brecken pooped ALL OVER MOM!"

We made it back to the car and Mark did the change in the World's Busiest Parking Lot and I handed out the Huggies wipes and held open the plastic bag.  I even had a big enough/correct season extra outfit in the bag.  

I predict in a few years and I'm holding Brecken's had as he walks thru that parking lot when we're there for Victoria's Open House he might hear something about - "When you were a baby......."