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Monday, March 24, 2014

Her First "Job"

We tried something new as a fundraiser this year.
We delivered the food to the tables at Culver's for two hours one Tuesday evening for 10% of the sales.
I'm totally into fun school things like this, so we headed straight home, picked up Mark and headed right over.  V had been looking forward to working for weeks!
We got there right away, ordered our food and chowed it down because it was time to work!
Christian was so sad he couldn't work.
But a kindergartner carrying food in the school lunch room is a nightmare, 
can you imagine in a public restaurant?!

Turns out you have to be in third grade to "work."
OMG!  What a nightmare, but it is what it is.
Until a teacher (who shall remain nameless, unless Jeanne figures it out;-) tells V to tell them she's in third grade.  That one grade doesn't seem like a stretch unless you saw the other kids working.  They were no less than 8 inches taller than her 
(I don't want to put their pics on here but it's hilarious with all of the standing together!).
The Culver's guy had her following the big kids as they were delivery the food.
She didn't want to lie.
And I did not want her to either.

Long story short:
She got to do a couple deliveries.
How happy is she?

We stole a hat for lil' bro' and he was happy too.
He's looking forward to working next year.
Little does he know.....

World's Largest Sundae (Maybe?)

Last summer all five of us, plus Mama Jeanne, headed down to Marketfest on a Thursday night 
when the Wold's Largest Ice Cream Sundae was going to be put together and measured and then entered into the Guinness Book of World Records.  

I'm not one who loves crowds, especially with a small baby, but this was a chance of a lifetime!
We headed down.
It was frickin' packed to the gills sidewalk to sidewalk.
It was "Stand where you are and don't move" kind of positioning so we didn't lose out to the curb spot.
However, this event didn't start for nearly an hour after it was supposed to.  It was about 90 degrees and literally shoulder to shoulder.   It was close to unbearable, except it was so cool (like awesome cool - not cool like degrees because it was super hot!).  To witness something going to be in the Guinness was amazing.  We toughed it out and ultimately ate the ice cream from the Guinness book professed World's Largest Ice Cream Sundae.
Each scooped touched. Arnie Carlson was there.  The WBL Mayor Jo Emmerson was there.
It was pretty cool.

We've been waiting for the 2014 book to come out.
It did.  We went to but it at Barnes and Noble the first weekend it was available and looked it up in the glossary only to see WBL was NOT in the book.  I texted the pic of the city who WAS in the book to my friend who knows the Mayor who assured me she had the actual award in the office.

The Mayor was one of our Mystery Readers in Feb. and I asked her if she could bring the award.
Since our family is so into this, the Mayor thought all of my questions were funny.
The entire second grade came to listen to her read.
Then V became super sick (turns out pulled muscle gone wrong!) in the middle of it and missed the end which included the award. 
On the way walking the Mayor out, V was coming out of the nurse's office and I happen (thank goodness) to have my phone in my pocket from taking pics of the Mayor) to have my phone in my pocket and got this pic of them.

It looks legit.  However, the Guinness Book "People" spelled dessert wrong.
So we're not in the book for some unexplained reason but we have the 
World's Longest Ice Cream Sundae Desert.
Sounds like this should include cactus or something.

Either way, tons of fun!

The Big Winner of I Love to Read Month

February is I Love to Read month.
Our school does so much for this month to pump kids up about reading, 
it's crazy. We have Mystery Readers everyday.
We had Read for the Gold Olympics style - keeping track of our daily minutes.
Our Media Specialist had her own Owl Always Love to Read contest.
Each 20 minutes read the student filled out a little slip of paper.
Victoria reads A LOT in any given month.
This month was no different.
At first she was pretty excited and filled out the slips.
Soon, it wasn't so exciting and she slacked on filling out the slips.
Personally, I'm not huge into the contests.
Kids should read because it's good for them.
And it's awesome.
The kids who don't want to are most likely going to cheat and bring in fists full of tickets anyway.
Victoria's name ended up getting pulled and although she wasn't the first name to get drawn she got the BEST PRIZE EVER!!
The media specialist MADE a reading quilt over our snow days (how's that for dedication??)!
Not only did, V win it she was so proud we made two stops on the way home to show it off!
It now covers her each night first with all her other favorite blankies on top of it.

When V came to my room at the end of the day with this quilt I was about to cry.
I held off until I saw her.
She stood there and showed Victoria the parts she did first and how each part went together.
Victoria listened intently.
If she wished that quilt would go to a student 
who loves to read and appreciated it to the fullest, 
she got it!