Victoria asked to be on t-ball this year. Unfortunately, because of their (whopping) age difference they are on different nights. Therefore, back to back nights we head to t-ball. Her first night, tonight, landed on the last night of swimming. Victoria has gotten to be a good swimmer and didn't want to miss her last night of swimming. I was fine with that. However, the first night of t-ball is picture night. That means she wouldn't get or be in the team picture. We talked it over and she went back and forth and back and forth. Finally I told her she'd have to sleep on it. She asked what that meant and I tried to explain it to her and she cocked her head and said, "What kind of human do you think I am? I can't think and figure things out in my sleep!" Low and behold she woke this morning with the decision happily made: T-ball.
I picked her up a pink glove while she was at school and off we went to t-ball. Unfortunately, due to bad weather both games were played inside in the gym that week. Victoria was nervous, having never played before. But she got up there and swung and nailed it the first time. For some reason her coach separated the boys from the girls. The girls batted first and did great and then the boys were up. The coach walked up to the girls in the 'outfield' and spread his arms out and said, "Back up girls. The boys can hit better than you." Not kidding. He said that. I was stunned. I looked at Mark with my mouth open and he shook his head. I heard a couple other parents whispering about it. Then the first boy swung and missed four times. I was glad. I wanted to yell, "Scoot up girls. These boys suck!" But I bit my tongue.
Despite the bad weather just about every Wednesday and Thursday we all had a great time. They had many fans come and cheer them on. They learned an hour and fifteen minutes is a long time to pay attention. And they learned being on a team feels good. We've decided to take the summer off from all organized activities. Ok, I decided that and have yet to break the news.
Another successful season!
Christian's Team
First at bat
Wrapped up and cuddled.
We had one nice night out of 11 nights of t-ball.
Liv came to be Christian's fan in the rain and cuddled Brecken almost the entire time.
Mama and Papa showed up the game in the rain too!
Mrs. Linn is always a fan!
The one nice night we did have Papa snuggled and loved Brecken up for the full hour and a half.
Christian's at bat.
I certainly could have gone around the fence...
Uncle John and Aunt Tegan came to cheer Christian on.
He loves his fans.
This was the only game he was nervous for.
Mama and Papa again.
Most Dedicated Fans Spring 2013
Auntie Sandy came out for a game too!
Field 2 has a huge hill.
It's not fun to push the stroller up it.
But the kids love to run and roll down it.
Our lil' slugger up to bat.
Lil' Bro just hanging out waiting for the big kids to get done playing.
Mama and Papa on Victoria's night.
We always had less fans on Thursdays -
so that earns her more At Bat Pictures.
Daddy relaxing with his two sons.
(Gosh, I love saying two sons!)
My boys!
Looking forward to next season.
Hoping for much nicer weather.