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Saturday, July 6, 2013

Girls Night Out (G.N.O.)

We started girls night out when Christian was a baby in order to male V feel special.  We were pretty consistent about that until.....

Baby #3 was on the way.....

A lot of weeks went by without V getting a GNO. A. Lot. Of. Weeks.

So finally I took her for a GNO.  She wanted to get some books.

She wanted some new 'second grade books.'

She wanted a Charlie in the Chocolate Factory.

How could a momma disagree with that one.  It's a classic!!

She picked up a dozen more and we were out of there!

Then she wanted to stop by a park and she climbed to the top.

Then I asked her to put  he arms out and yell, "I'm the queen of the world."
But it was just weird and she was asking me why I made her say that.

Here's my girl and me at GNO!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Christian the Chef

While I was on maternity leave and Victoria was finishing out first grade, Christian and I were home alone (with a baby) a lot.  Each day we would discuss what we were going to make for dinner and he would - for the most part - make it.  This is his favorite to make.  Parmigiana chicken, because he got to use a 'tool.'  He pounded those breasts until they were nice and thin.

Top 1,000 Baby Boy Names

Liv brought this link to my attention several weeks back.  Go ahead, give it a click.
It shows the name Brecken has risen substantially on the Baby Boy Name scale in the US in the last year.

I LOVE Brecken's name.  Love it.

Apparently, so do others!