We started girls night out when Christian was a baby in order to male V feel special. We were pretty consistent about that until.....
Baby #3 was on the way.....
A lot of weeks went by without V getting a GNO. A. Lot. Of. Weeks.
So finally I took her for a GNO. She wanted to get some books.
She wanted some new 'second grade books.'
She wanted a Charlie in the Chocolate Factory.
How could a momma disagree with that one. It's a classic!!
She picked up a dozen more and we were out of there!
Then she wanted to stop by a park and she climbed to the top.
Then I asked her to put he arms out and yell, "I'm the queen of the world."
But it was just weird and she was asking me why I made her say that.
Here's my girl and me at GNO!