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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

35 Weeks

So happy to still be pregnant tonight.
My doctor appointment this morning went wonderfully.
The baby is larger than average, however, 
there's 'no reason to think I won't go into spontaneous early labor' just like it did the two times prior.
The baby and I are perfectly healthy and I couldn't be more relieved.

After I thought I was actually in labor this morning, it really got my priorities in order.
My long term substitute was in my class all day.
It's like a huge weight is lifted off of my shoulders.
Now, when I go, I go.
It's in her hands, and not mine.
End of story.

I need to charge my camera batteries.
I need to pack the hospital bag.
I need to write out where the kids need to be and at what time.
I need to buy the kids gifts from Baby and get them packed.

My cervix is officially closed right now and I'd like to keep it that way at least two more weeks.

False Alarm

False alarm, I think.  Now I'm just exhausted.

Am I in Labor??

I've been up since 4:30.  Not feeling great needing to use the bathroom over and over.  There's a chance I'm in labor.  After 45 minutes of this I've decided to try out my contraction counter on my pregnancy app and time them.  If it really is true labor, this is very similar to how I went into labor with Christian.  The odd thing is, maybe it's nothing and I will carrying on today as normal.  Or maybe my baby's birthday will be February 20th and I'll be at the hospital in a couple hours.  I literally don't know right now.  As the time ticks by I'm wondering if I should wake Mark, call the hospital or just pack (had to stop for a contraction). If that was really a contraction they're about 13 minutes apart.  Now, it could go fast like Christian and I could have the baby in a few hours or it could take all day or in an hour or so I may feel better and it's nothing. When I'm having a contraction it sure seems real.  But this down time in between I'm not sure.  I'm beginning to think though, either way I'm not going to be able to teach today and I should call my sub who subbed yesterday and my long term sub is coming in today so I can  show her around and teach her everything I do.  It may be a day too late.

It's amazing after all these months, this is what it comes down to.  Even though it's the third time it's still scary.  I'm anxious and nervous and hopes everything turns out ok.  If I did deliver today, technically the baby would be premature at 35 weeks.  Two more weeks until full term.  I'm going to let one more contraction come and time it and then call the sub and wake Mark.  Not in that order.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Big Baby

I had my ultrasound this afternoon.  It's never a good thing while lying on the table and the tech says, "Let me call your doctor to make sure you can leave."  Without too many details the end result was, the baby's abdomen is greater than the 98%tile.  Clearly, off the charts.  The head was 97%tile.  Everything else 80-90%tile.  The tech informs me that the abdomen being so large is a sign of gestational diabetes.  Again, I tested negative.  She tells me it may have formed after the test.

The doc was at lunch so she let me leave and then faxed the report over assuring me they'd contact me if they wanted to see me earlier than Monday - which is what she suspected.

After waiting in the waiting room for over an hr last time I was not about to leave it in their hands.
I called when I got home explained the situation and they got me in - back to my regular doctor - tomorrow morning at 8am.  There we'll 'discuss my options.'  I'm anticipating the shot to develop the lungs and the talk of induction.  I've read about gestational diabetes and premature babies at 35 & 36 weeks.  Going into the appointment tomorrow I feel like we'll stick it out to 37 weeks and I'll continue walking each night trying to go into spontaneous labor.

Good thing my long term sub is coming in tomorrow.  This baby's arrival may be sooner rather than later.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Rehearsal Dinner For John & Tegan

Johnny and Tegan's rehearsal for their wedding was the Thursday prior to the wedding.  We had to race home from school to get ready.

The raced to get on the road in time.
Traffic was horrible.
So this happened:

All dressed up in his brand new suit and he's out like a light. 
He was at the tail end of his tonsillectomy recovery and it was nearly bedtime.

Finally made it to the church.
Victoria looked adorable all dressed up!

Already, Christian isn't too sure of the whole thing....

Listening to the Priests directions.

Tegan and her Daddy.

Practice kiss to make sure they get it right on Saturday.

Daddy and his mini me.

Good grief, it's hard to decide who's cuter:-)

Uncle John and Almost Aunt Tegan

Seriously, those two are too cute for words!

This is the closest they got to pulling Addison down the aisle in the sled.
She made it down once without crying after her mommy filled it up with toys and books.

See, I really was there!

After the rehearsal we all headed to Gulden's for a delicious dinner.
John made a short speech.

Christian loves any baby he can get his little hands on.

Tegan and John passing out gifts to the wedding party.

How perfect is that?!
So adorable!!

Aunt Joan was in town for the wedding and it was her birthday.
Victoria just can't get enough of her!

Again, how perfect is that?!
A Flower Girl stuffed animal.
They know my kids well!

Christian also got an engraved baseball bat.
Uncle John took his outside the restaurant to let him give it a couple good swings.

Hanging out with Mama and Papa before we headed home.


Christian got a new blue Betta fish today.  Hoping Bluey lives much longer the Goldie the Original and Goldie II

My Secret Person

This morning I woke to very soft footsteps and whispers.
I knew they were up to something.

I woke to a little note next to my bed.
I spelled everything as she spelled it.

Dear Mom and Dad this is where your secret hunt begins. you will next find the next message on the couch Love your secret person

for Mom
Hi to you again Mom and Dad I see one of you or maybe both of you found the next note here is a clue to your secret person is I love you a tot (ton?) your next letter will be on the tabble
Love your secret person.

for Mom or Dad
I see you found the letter I put here on the tabble your next letter will be in moms bathroom downstairs Love your secret person

I see you have found my letter in the bathroom
you next letter will be in whare Mom gets dresses 
love your secret person

Hi I see you again whare Mom gets dresses the next letter will be on Moms brown desk downstairs
love your secret person

Hi this is your last place to go is her on Mommy's brown desk
your secret person was ....

How cute is that??