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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tuesday of Spring Break

At the beginning of every single break, or even a long weekend, Mark will say something to the effect of,
"Now don't pack so much into this break so you're exhausted and regretting at the end."

Tuesday was the perfect example of cramming a whole lot into one day.

It was the one day I brought the kids to daycare, therefore, wanted to accomplish everything I had to do without them. 

I dropped them off at 9am.  Then had an eye appt at 9:20.  I was at Sam's Club ordering new contacts and lenses by 10:15.

Next, I headed off to my secret birthday mission of surprising Olivis for her birthday.  Tuesday, the 15th was her actual birthday.  I surprised her by tiptoeing and whispering in her library with flowers and balloons. I swooped her off to Chammps for lunch.  There she received her bday present. An 8 foot banner that said, Hip Hip Hooray It's Olivia's Birthday.  I think everyone should own one! Unfortuntely neither of us thought to take a picture there.  So weird for us two photogs.  I guess that just shows what a fun time we had together and we were really in the moment.

After I dropped back off I headed back to downtown White Bear.  I was early for my second lunch date, so I headed into Goodthings and found a straw that sings Happy Birthday when liquid passes through.  I think I should have bought them all.  Very cool.

I met my friends Amanda and Shelly for lunch at Rudy's Red Eye Grill.  Since I had literally just eaten I sipped a water and some soup broth.  But boy oh boy, am I glad I went.  There was lots to talk about!

From there I immediately headed to my third (and final) "lunch" at TGIFridays with my brother in laws former girlfriend.  This is her first year of being a teacher and we had tons of catching up to do.  We had a total blast.  I didn't want to leave.

It was a day packed with activity but so worth it. 

I guess it's no wonder I stayed away from all restaurants on Wednesday.

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