Christian's preschool screening is on Wednesday. The city makes it very difficult for a working mom to take their children to this screening. Last time, (I'd LOVE to put a link here but I can't find it! My own blog!) I took Victoria I had to take her at night. Nearly her bedtime. What a great time to test a three or four year old. However, with Victoria I knew, it wouldn't matter what time of day.
With our little dude, I know he'll do well, but when he's tired it's a whole different story. But it doesn't matter because they don't offer night times any more anyway. So the ONLY way I can get him in is to take off school. That's completely ridiculous since the city gets paid for each child brought in. What are they thinking??
Therefore, Wednesday I have off from school to take little man in. When I was pregnant with him I heard the 'second child' stories. How parents 'slack' on the second one. Nope, not me, I vowed. I lied. I was in denial. I didn't know. It's so true.
Our (very nearly) four year old still can't spell his name. I mean, just say the letters. He's close. But he can't. He can barely write a C. Ok, he can't actually write a C but he's close. I don't work with him nearly enough. I have daily guilt about this. Now with this 'test' looming I decided a cram session needs to be in session.
Today we had a fun time with touch and feel letter flash cards. He only missed two. He thought Y was V and I was T. Pretty close. I practiced shapes with him. He missed triangle and rectangle and after I told him he got them every single time. Could it be I NEVER did shapes with him? I hope you're shaking your head saying, "Can't be!" But I'll admit, it's a possibility. It's hard to keep everyone happy and make time to work with one, one on one. Right now I'm all about reading with Victoria. Since she's not getting what she needs in kindergarten I need to give it to her at home.
But it's difficult to do a guided reading session each night (when I'm so tired) when I did two or three during the day. Sometimes I just want to paint their little hands and make Valentine projects (like tonight).
However, I DO need to step it up for the baby of the family. Time to hold that pencil. Time to sit still. Time to get to work. He loves the attention. I need to be more thoughtful of it. I have about 60 hours until his test.
I need to find my cheat sheet of a blog to remember what they test.
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