Auntie Sandy watched the kids for a few hours this afternoon (thank you thank you!!). Mark picked them up and they were in bed, but not sleeping when I got home. I knelt down to Christian's bedside and asked him what he did there. He told me about playing outside and then I asked what he did after that. He paused and then answered, "P-A-L-T."
*Side note: I spell a lot around here. Any chance I get I spell so Christian hears letters and sounds and Victoria can figure out just about any word I spell.
After he spells that 'word' I pause and look at his cute hopeful little face and I said, "Dinner?"
He bright blue eyes are wider than I've ever seen them and he says, "Did I really spell dinner?!?!"
"Close Buddy. Dddddinner. What does it start with?"
"Oh yeah, D. Off one letter again."
At least he's giving it a try now though.
Gotta love that boy!!!!!!!!! He wanted to dress himself after swimming and before supper. I told him he put his undies on backwards...I showed him the right way to put them on so he could get his penis out to go potty, he said don't worry Auntie Sandy it is not big enough to get out there!!!!!!!!!! I tell you I laughed so hard I had to go potty!!! Big blue eyes!!!!!!!!!!! Still LMAO!!