So we showed up to the bank of the Mississippi with a couple pools, a heavy tackle box, a cooler and a couple chairs. And of course the Stinky Hot Dog bait. On our way Mark said - this is a direct quote,
"We're gonna catch some big ones today! They're going to be so big you'll have to reel them in like this!" Demonstrating catching the largest fish in history. Then he ended with, "I guarantee it!!" I interrupted, "Let's not guarantee anything and just see what happens." "No, seriously, I GUARANTEE it! I've never not caught a big one down there!" "You should never guarantee anything to them," I warned.
Even though fishing was unsuccessful (I bet you saw that one coming),
we had a fun time looking for special rocks and exploring.
As soon as I saw "I guarantee it" I thought, "I wonder if they caught anything at all?