At 6:27am, six years ago today I had a baby. It was a beautiful, perfect pregnancy. It was a quick and perfectly natural delivery. When I held that baby for the first time it was the fastest I'd ever fallen in love. The second his bare skin touched mine my heart was his. I kissed his slimy head and didn't want to ever let go. He was seven pounds, fourteen ounces of perfectness. I was so at peace.
January 25, 2008
I just reread your baby book.
I loved how I looked when I was pregnant with you!
6:00am on January 28, 2008
It was sooo worth it!
Mama Jeanne brought Victoria to the hospital just a couple hours after you were born.
She couldn't wait to get her hands on you!
The day you were born I worried how having a second baby would change our family.
Six years later you are your sister's best friend and she yours.
I couldn't have dreamt it any better.
This is January 29, 2008, the morning we took you home.
We were only in the hospital for 29 hours.
You were immediately a wonderful addition to our family!

Six short years later...
My how things change!
Papa and Mama were so excited to meet you!
They bought your birthday dinner tonight.
You chose Old Country Buffet.
I think you might wear your birthday crown until you're seven!
That was one of the highlights of your day, you said:-)
I've loved to watch you sleep since the day you were born.
I have dozens of pictures of you sleeping.
You look so peaceful and perfect.
Here you are tonight, on your sixth birthday.
You still look like a sweet peaceful little angel.
Most night I cover you up, move your body to the middle of the bed and kiss your cheeks and forehead and whisper to you what a good boy you are and how much I love you.
I will keep doing that until you are old enough to stay up later than me.
Then I'll just do it in the morning when you sleep in.
I've got it all figured out.
Your favorite sport is baseball and Joe Mauer (and Jonathan) is your favorite athlete,
we had a small family party with a TWINS theme.
You loved sporting your Mauer jersey and TWINS hat.
Since your party you've commented how much you love this picture.
You are old enough now to appreciate what people do for you.
I love that about you.
January 28, 2014.
Whoa, were you excited!
The Birthday Bird came and decorated the house.
You woke me up at exactly 6:00 and said,
"You're never going to believe what the Birthday Bird did!!"
Brecken gave you a Superman cape and wrist band that plays the theme song.
You kissed him and thanked him.
Even though there was a chance school would be closed today due to cold weather
(-35 windchill) you were excited when you got to school and got your crown.
You've been talking about the crown for a couple weeks now.
Even though you are getting older, you still love to cuddle.
You love when I scratch your back.
You love when I read Junie B. Jones to you.
You love to see me in school.
You still wave at me with a huge, but somewhat shy smile.
You are a friend to your big sister.
You are a role model to your little brother.
You can be wild, but yet a good listener.
You are so athletic, but yet, sometimes too shy to participate.
You are smart and learning to read.
You still reach for my hand when we're walking next to each other.
You recently learned how to write your last name.
You are my helper.
You love to do jobs.
You love to receive compliments.
You are so cute, I can't help but kiss you at least a dozen times a day
- sometimes even at school;-)
I love you so very much.
Happy Sixth Birthday to My Little Boy!
Happy Birthday, Christian! Sounds like you had a great day. It was awesome to read this from your mommy, it's a nice story that tells a lot about what a terrific kid you are.