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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Love List

My Favorite Day of the Year is right around the corner: Valentine's Day!
In the midst of planning two birthday parties for Christian, one major party for Brecken, and our anniversary, I'm also planning Valentine's Day.

My favorite holiday!!

Love love love it!

I love Vaelntine's Day because it means: Friendship, Love, Partnership, Laughter, Hearts, Red, Everything Good in the World!

It also means no gifts necessary (so they're even more fun to surprise someone with!!) and everyone LOVES a Valentine's Day card!  I made one right after Christmas and ordered 30.  Then I was playing around and came up with a better idea and ordered 40.  Therefore, I have almost as many Valentine cards as I sent out in Christmas cards!  I'm trying to save on shipping and hand out as many as possible, but really, if they had Valentine stamps I wouldn't hesitate to send them to my own co-workers!

In the name of Love here is my current Love List (in no particular order):

* Teachers Pay Teachers
* Early bedtimes (love our schedule!)
* My Best Class Ever
* Brecken waving
* Christian eating (canned) carrots
* Creating digital books
* Party planning
* Reality TV: "Juan Pablo", Housewives, Big Brother, Boston's Finest, Fashion Police, the list goes on......
* An Empty washer and dryer
* Victoria scoring the top scores of the whole grade
* Date nights - even if it involves Walmart
* Friends who love our children - that's a whole separate post!
* Having the kids current stages captured in pictures
* Party Planning - Did I mention that?
* Pinterest - with ETSY pulling in a close second
* Antipasto salad from Carbone's
* Keeping in contact with distant friends
* Brecken's daycare mommy who loves him.  It shows from her and him.  We are blessed.
* US Weekly
* Listening to Victoria sing along to her toothbrush singing Party in the USA while brushing her teeth - so cute - I've been caught trying to record it several times.  She'd like me to wait until she knows the words better:-)
* TMZ - man they get their info fast!
* Buying "baby" clothes with my husband who longed for this baby for so long - "Nothing is too much for the third child!" - said no one but my husband!
* Personalized anything
* Reading the blogs I love: livlife, kellehampton, handsfullandlovingit, sunnysideupblog, babygarvin
* Planning gifts people will love!!

There it is, my current love list.  Subject to change at anytime.

Send someone (or two or four!) you love a note telling them.  I promise, they'll appreciate it!

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