What's going on right now…..
* My poor little boy Christian hurt his knee in gym last week. I didn't think much of it….he would complain on and off but still played and rough housed like usual. Then last night he was really hurting and I took a good look and it was super swollen. Ice skating was canceled today. He had it wrapped and iced. It does look better but I'm taking him in, in the morning to make sure.
* He has now come down with a 101.4 fever. Currently sleeping. Like to keep it that way.
* I've started reading Fly a Little Higher. Oh my gosh. I can't read more than 20 pages at a shot. My heart breaks each time I turn a page.
* I've heard and read the phrase, "I'm done shopping." Do people really make a list and when everything is crossed off it's just over?! That is bizarre. I had a new idea today for one of the kids. Which means I get to find another thing for the other two kids. I really did go - less is more - this year. But by Thursday morning, that may not be the case.
* Cheeseballs are delicious. But I over indulge every time I open them. Love/Hate relationship.
* I have two classes to finish by Dec. 31. One I haven't even started. And my book for the spring session has already arrived. Hoping I actually notice that raise in February.
* My dad stopped over today. He brought Dairy Queen. Played at least 40 games of Connect Four. He never lost. Read a couple books to Brecken. Played remote control trucks with Christian. Built a gingerbread house with Christian. Practiced sight words. Then he left. To take snap I would presume.
* I still have quite a bit of wrapping to do.
* One of Brecken's gifts came in the mail a couple days ago. Brecken's Night Before Christmas. Of course we ripped it open and have enjoyed it over and over. I read it to my class and they were mesmerized by the personalized details. iseeme.com - worth every penny.
* Brecken has been making some nice progress. Got a good report from his teacher on Friday. Working on setting up some therapy at Theraplay. The paperwork is atrocious. Shocking, really.
* Each Christmas I make a book for my Goddaughter/Niece/Second cousin Grace. It begins the day after her birthday and ends with her last birthday party. One full year. Last year I think I gave it to her around Valentine's Day. This year I got it done one full week before Christmas. I went to pick it up today. They "have no record of it." I have it done and paid in full. I sat on the phone for nearly 30 min only for them to credit me back (turns out not the full amount) and then I had to reorder. So annoying. Hoping I have it before Wednesday night.
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