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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Batter's Up!

Today was a very big day.
Life changing even.

Today our little boy became a baseball player.
We've been counting down for 19 days for this day.
We joined his buddy Tyler's team.  
Tyler is his best friend from daycare and Tyler's dad is the coach, along with the kindergarten teacher from my school. 

Christian came barreling into our room this morning wearing his TWINS hat saying, "Today is t-ball day!!!!"  Later he said, "Today is my most favorite day ever!" 
And that was hours before he even hit the field.

On the way to the game Christian wanted to know if I would be paying attention to him while playing the game and if so, would be cheering for him and if so, how loud would I be yelling.

I yelled, "Go Christian!" while driving.
"That's not loud enough, really."
"I think it should be a little louder mom."
"GO CHRISTIAN!! Woohooo!!!!!" while clapping!!!!!

That satisfied him, he sat back smiling.

His Biggest Fan

who did not, in fact play soccer today.  She's just wearing those cleats and socks because they are new and somebody else was getting a whole lot of attention for his new gear today.

Up to bat for the first time in his life!

"He got the sweet spot of the bat on the ball,
he really tore the cover of it,
when they fielded the ball it was tattooed with the Louisville Slugger logo,"
direct quotes from Christian's proud daddy!

The ball did make it into the outfield.

He did know to stop at first base.

Getting a pat on the back from his first base coach.

After the game.
So proud of himself!

This is his 'Baseball Stance."

Despite the fact that two hrs before the game Mary Linn called to tell me we were NOT actually on the roster (long call in to the city to get that straightened away), thick mosquitos and a lot of rain,
it was one of the most memorable nights ever.

We're already looking forward to next Wednesday night.
And it's picture night!

Showering Odelis

We showered Odelis on April 26th with not only gifts but love and good wishes.
It was a red, white and blue baseball theme.
Since Odelis and Alex work for the TWINS, it only made sense.

We played Name That Baby 
with baby pictures of the teachers.

It was more difficult than you'd think.
I ended up having to give them a pool of names to choose from.

Decorated onesies for baby Sebastian.

Odelis is being induced today and I'm so excited to finally meet Baby Sebastian!
She's going to be a fabulous mommy!

Apparent Exhaustion

Yesterday, Victoria said, "Mom, having two kids is a lot of work.  Isn't it?"  "Sometimes," I replied.
"Yeah, well I have 50 children!  I'm exhausted!!"

She loves her stuffies and really acts like they are her children, reading to them, putting them to bed and even putting plastic food next to them in the morning for their breakfast.  It's no wonder, she's apparently exhausted!

Jordan Goes Overboard

Oh boy Jordan.  I'm a little embarrassed for you.  Jordan's new 'song.'