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Monday, May 9, 2011

Daddy / Daughter Dance Part II

When I blogged about the Daddy Daughter dance last week I had forgotten Mark took pictures with a different camera.  I finally uploaded them - per Mama Jeanne's request.  She's been so patient waiting to see her boys in action being daddies!!

I always want to be there for every little thing.
But I'm oh so glad they got to do this special thing by themselves (aka - without nosey Mommy!)

Drinking water out of a fancy glass.
Red punch was also offered, but Mark was relieved when she choose the lovely clear liquid.

Wow!  Rockin' out!

Showing off her third corsage she received in 15 days.
Still hasn't actually worn one though.

Dancing the night away with cousin Emilee.

Chatting and looking at their corsages.

Those fancy glasses are so fun.

The picture reminds me of Chris and me when we were little.
Both of our daughters look very much like we did when we were little.
I LOVE to see them having fun and enjoying spending time together.

She loves how the top layer of her flower girl dress falls.

Oh, how she looks like her mommy.

This is the best!  They didn't want to night to end.
Well, that's not true.  Victoria asked several times to leave so Mark was kind enough to take her to Mama and Papas.  They said she crashed not long after her arrival.

We're already looking forward to next year's Daddy/Daughter Dance!!

Staining the Deck and 'Sealing' the Driveway

The one nice thing about hosting a party at your own house is:  It forces you to do things around the house/yard to get ready for it.  I asked  forced Mark to restain the deck last weekend.  He did.  It took up most of the day Saturday.  All while the rest of us were off having fun. (More on that later.)

When Christian and I returned this is what we saw.

Mark bent over staining in between the cracks.

Christian, of course, wanted nothing more than to help daddy.
Since it's stain and not just for fun that wasn't an option.

But I did get him the same container and same foam brush.
I put the same amount of sealer (water) and told him his job was to seal the driveway.

He totally bought it!
This lasted about 45 minutes. 
He is so cute when he copies his daddy!