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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Happy Birthday to My MIL

I met my husband over 12 years ago and met his mother soon after we met.  I am not close with my own mother, therefore, making my relationship with Jeanne all the more important.  As she's said many times, we were friends before I became her daughter in law. Not many MIL & DIL can say that.

In the dozen years I have known her she has been there for me each and every single time I have ever needed her.  She's been at all my proudest moments of my adulthood.  I am never more proud than when I hear her 'brag' about me.  I've heard her tell people I'm a good teacher and I've heard her tell people I'm a great mommy.

She has proven to be an amazing grandma.  She loves our children something fierce!  She is always so proud of them for the big and small things.

She's always the person I cannot wait to tell when we're expecting because I know she's going to be so damn excited!

A few of my top Mother in Law Moments:

* Her 50th Birthday at Jane's cabin.  There's a classic picture of us standing on chairs drinking bottles of wine - straight from the bottle.  Classy classy.....but oh so fun!

* The day after my bachelorette party....she picked me up...then drove me to WI...

* April 14, 2006 she paced outside my hospital room waiting for her very first grandchild to be born.

* Her attendance at both of my Teacher of the Year finalist ceremonies.

* Her pure excitement for our wedding.  We spent hundreds of hours talking about it and then spent hours and hours watching the video over and over and over and over.....  It's about time we do that again!

* The joy of watching her enjoy my children.

* Leisurely evenings when the guys are grilling and we were just chilling.

* On the very day I had Brecken she came over to watch the Victoria and Christen.  We weren't ready to talk to anyone yet and she respected our privacy and she was the only one to give me flowers.

Today my Mother in Law turned 60.  It's a perfect day to recall all the reasons I'm so lucky to have her in my life.  I don't tell her often enough how much I appreciate her.

Happy Birthday Momma!!

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