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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Look Who's Seven

Dear Christian,
You are seven.  You seem so big.  Your ankles peeking out of most of your jammies and a lot of your pants.  I have to secretly pull them out of your drawers because you have such a hard time letting them go.  
You asked for a mouse over and over for Christmas.  Daddy and I said, “No,”  but Santa blessed you with Hammy the Hamster.  Oh my goodness, I am so glad Santa did that.  You love Hammy so much, sometimes you get tears in your eyes talking about him.  You are so sensitive.  I love that about you!  For several years now around your birthday I think about all that you are and every year I mention how you still hold my hand every chance you get.  You still love to cuddle during and after stories at night.  Lately you ask me to sleep with you all night long, just once, saying with a huge smile, “I would sleep soooo good cuddled with you Mommy!”  I must admit, I’m tempted.  I wouldn’t mind wrapping my arms around your skinny little body and kissing your head over and over as you slept. 
 I love you so much and am so proud of the big boy you are becoming.  I couldn't love you any more than I do today. . .however, tomorrow I may change my mind.

Birthday Morning…The Birthday Bird struck again.

A super quick lunch at McDonald's.
You forgot your tennis shoes at home and it was a gym day so we had to run home first.
Luckily you got a new Spiderman digital watch and you kept us on track.
We had to run from the minivan to pick up my class, but it was so worth it!

Happy Birthday to my super sweet, sensitive, athletic, smart, creative and loving little boy.

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday, Christian! I love you, too, and I promise I won't change my mind.
