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Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving is Different This Year

I don't remember ever enjoying Thanksgiving.  I didn't enjoy waiting and waiting to finally eat as a child.  I certainly don't enjoy cooking as an adult.  I have a weird feeling as I enter someone else's house who's been cooking all day long to feed my family.  It's such a weird weird holiday.

I was talking with Mark about this last week.  He loves Thanksgiving.  Hmmmm. . .most men do I believe.  He assured me one day I would be the one cooking and I'd love it.  Really?!  Do you know me at all??   All he said, "Traditions." 

So Thursday came and we headed over to Mama Jeanne's.  It was relaxed.  It was fun.  Kids were playing and rough housing for the first time ever at one of our Thanksgivings.  I was the typical mom saying, "Somebody's going to get hurt."  Then V got kicked in the face.  I kinda liked it.  Not that she got hurt, but she was playing with her cousins.  Loved that Chris and I were together.  Loved that I was laughing with Mark's brothers.  Loved that Mama Jeanne made THE BEST DINNER she's ever made me.  The mashed potatoes and gravy were PERFECTION.  I had seconds at her house and had it again for lunch today.  Perfection.  Loved to watch my kids giggle upside down as their uncles played with them.  Loved my father in law saying he wanted me on his team for Yahtzee.  Loved the long talk Jeanne and I had while the kids jumped into a pile of pillows.  Loved all the leftovers we were sent home with.

Today we had Thanksgiving at my dad's.  Loved we only had appetizers with four children five and under. Loved how my brother played with Christian.  Loved how Ashley played with me.  Loved that Mark made it to eat at least (he had to work).  Loved my dad lying on the floor playing with all the kids.  Loved all the toys and games laid out like kids really live there.  Loved the watching Mama Deb color and do stickers with Victoria and Ashley.  I sat back and drank it all in.  It was a relaxing beautiful sight.  I loved it.  I planned on leaving at one at the latest to get home for a nap.  We barely made it home before two and Christian walked straight to his room. 

He couldn't find a Nuk so I told him the Nuk Fairy must have been here while we were gone.  He didn't even question it and went right to sleep.  So tonight the Nuk Fairy will visit us again.  This time it's a boy fairy.  He asked and I said a boy, I don't know why.  We're all expecting a nice note and an even nicer surprise in the morning for the Big Boy. 

We have one more Thanksgiving tomorrow night.  Maybe I'll actually start liking this holiday.

1 comment:

  1. I literally laughed so hard I started choking on my Mr. Pibb. People were staring at me in concern. "I was the typical mom saying, "Somebody's going to get hurt." Then V got kicked in the face. I kinda liked it." I don't care what the next sentence says, that is the funniest thing I've read on your blog all year! Poor V, what a mean mommy she has!
