I didn't go to school on Wednesday, so this week I taught Mon., Tues and Thurs so far.
It has been so much fun teaching this week!
Team 214 (2011-2012) and I are finally finding our groove.
Here are some highlights to write home about - literally if you're in my class. Actual assignment for their conference folder: Write a letter to the parent/s that will be attending telling them about three awesome things we've done in second grade.
This week my letter would include:
* Math outside with sidewalk chalk to learn about perimeter (using Mark's real tape measure), right angles, and demonstrating the differences between a square, rectangle and triangle.
* Digging out a pumpkin as a class after all of us predicted its weight (21.5 lb.) and the amount of seeds inside (423). I toasted them that night and they enjoyed them for snack the following day.
* While we traded off digging out the pumpkin other friends were making pumpkins and/or gourds out of pumpkin spice playdough and the rest of the friends were using oil pastels to try to recreate the gourds I placed on a stool at the center of the classroom.
Silence and happiness filled the room. I was content looking at these students who are beginning to make me feel like I'm doing something right. See, that's what happens when September comes to an end.
* Making a snack today using pretzels as firewood, Teddy Grahams as campers, Cheese Whiz as fire and candy corn as flames. (I actually stole this idea from Ms. Joy - I just added the candy corn) But after we read Berenstain Bears Go to Camp and made our snack, we went outside in the most gorgeous weather and had wheel barrow races, just like that Bears did.
Everyone was kind. Everyone was laughing. And I was snapping pictures.
-The camping theme comes from our reading story this week. It's written by Cynthia Rylant. I checked out 50 other books by her from the public library for silent & guided reading this week. It is the best feeling when kids are happily digging through a pile of books.
So far, it's been a very memorable week for me and I hope for them as well.
I better figure out something creative for tomorrow.
If only I had a tent I'd pitch it in the middle of the room. Oh, wait, Amanda already did that.
Better think of something else. . .
Are you telling me you ate 423 pumpkin seeds in one sitting?