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Monday, November 12, 2012

Thankful Age 6

I received a message from Molly last night telling us about a contest the Pioneer Press is having.  First graders can write in to tell about one thing they are thankful for in 30 words or less.  It must be post marked before 4pm on Monday, Nov 12.  Victoria got right to work.

Problem is, today Veteran's Day is observed.
Post Office Closed
I didn't think of that until Odelis offered to drive the 
letter to the post office for me to be assured today's post mark.
Not sure if she's entered into the contest, 
but we'll be sure to check out the section in next week's paper anyway.


  1. That is adorable! I think the picture is the best part. Whether they accept it or not, it's still great she did it. You should have C do one, too!

    1. It was for first grade only. C needs a couple years:-)
