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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Slip & a Fall

It snowed a lot today.  It snowed through the night and all day and it's still snowing.  I drove to Auntie Sandy's to get the kids this morning and then parked the minivan.  Very very slippery and a LOT of snow.  I spent the day doing laundry, organizing, packing, brought the kids stuff to my parents.... Tons of fun.  The kids played outside from 7am until basically 5:30pm until Christian was literally crying in the snow.  Got them warmed up, fed and in bed and I sent Mark to get me an entire pumpkin pie.  He had just walked in the door with it when my brother called.  My grandma fell outside and was found in a snowbank and the ambulance was on the way.  He had been up all night and day plowing and asked if I could get to the hospital.  I called our amazing neighbors up the street and they were over before I put on clean socks.  Luckily, the ambulance brought her to the hospital just three blocks from our house.  We walked in and saw her on the gurney just being wheeled into the ER room.  We were able to go right back to her room.  I was breathless and could barely speak because I was on the verge of crying.  As soon as I saw her I started crying.  She told me not to cry. I was happy she was talking.  I had no idea what she was going to look like or if she was going to be able to talk.  She looked so little all wrapped in blankets.  Turns out she was at church with a friend attending a funeral.  The neighbor's car got stuck in the shared driveway so it couldn't be plowed.  So when her friend went to drop her off she dropped her off at the end of the street.  Grandma walked the driveway and waved to her as if she was ok.  Just after she drove away, grandma slipped and fell 'like a ton of bricks.'  Her glasses flew off and she couldn't get up.  She laid in the snowbank calling for help about 15 minutes.  LUCKILY a neighbor actually heard her and called 911.  She was completely soaked and freezing when she got to the hospital.  They had heated blankets on her and around her head.  We left when another family member showed up.  They were waiting on an X ray of her shoulder.  Thank goodness it wasn't her head or her hip.  Hopefully, just a shoulder that will heal.  

Luckily, I had a pumpkin pie waiting for me when I got home.  Hopefully, we'll have a Snow Day tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Took her a Hot Roast Beef sandwich with some AU Juice, she is doing ok.
