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Friday, April 6, 2012

A Few Bumps Gone Wild

Christian had some little bumps on his left foot for a while.  I noticed but didn't pay close attention.  Next thing I knew they had grown and multiplied.  We went to the doctor and he put medicine on them.  They didn't budge.  Instead they grew.  Quite a bit.  I felt bad for him at the water park last weekend.  He insisted on keeping his water shoes on the whole time.

So I took him back in.  Four years old you shouldn't be ashamed of anything.

The doctor offered to put more medicine on it.  However, it obviously didn't work.  Then he talked about scraping them off.  Please do!  It might hurt.

He tried to get me to scrape them off myself a couple weeks ago, so I knew he's be totally game.

Then the doc took out a long silver metal tool that had a very sharp hook at the  end.

He placed it over a bump and said, "Are you ready?"  "How hard are you going to do it?" Christian asked. "As hard as I need to. Are you ready?"  "Yep."

Then he yanked the shit out of my kid's foot.  And removed a bump.  He showed me the middle contagious part.  4 more to go.

To make a long story short blood was dripping like crazy and Christian was telling Dr. Stang he needed bigger muscles and told his some non-sense knock knock jokes.

Dr. Stang removed them all and hopefully this is the end of the story.

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